Vitamin Flintheart @ yourboyBlair

Vitamin Flintheart struggle to shake off the shadow of Evanescence.

Article by Ally Brown | 12 Mar 2007
In between pulling pints at this quiet, shadowy bar, yourboyBlair (3/5) corners off a raised section of the floor, straps on his guitar and does his best impression of a self-deprecating singer-songwriter. That is, apart from his cover of quick-spitting experimental hip-hoppers Themselves, which is a rare road for any traditional performer to take. Though he says he hasn't practiced in a while, with a varied set and an ear for a tune, this boy Blair could be one to watch. Vitamin Flintheart (2*) start as a quiet two-piece with a somewhat dour strum and over-dramatic vocals, and end as a louder four-piece with rather featureless chords and over-dramatic vocals. At times, with a bit of heart, they resemble a post-grunge Cure, but good impressions are too often let down by the slower tracks, where nothing can shake off the shadow of Evanescence. Behind the stage, through the window, across the road and through another window, a boy can be seen practicing his guitar and singing in his room. With new talent hovering behind them, Vitamin Flintheart look vulnerable to attack – they'd be eaten alive by anyone with teeth. [Ally Brown]
Vitamin Flintheart play Henry's Cellar Bar on 23 Feb, Mercat on 1 March, Cab Vol on 6 March, The 3Tuns on 24 March.,