Sleigh Bells @ Stereo, 22 Jan

Article by Chris Cusack | 26 Jan 2011

As far as karaoke jams go, Sleigh Bells are up there with the greats tonight. On record these guys are teetering on brilliant, but a comprehensive backing track renders much of their 'live' performance redundant. With only a few lead guitar lines and Alexis' vocals requiring attention, the duo throw themselves energetically around the stage, backed by a symphony of strobes.

The sound is huge: bass heavy and conducive to a massive alternative pop party, glo-sticks and all. Yet it's hard to shake the feeling that this is just a very hip, savvy reincarnation of Roxette, as one man with guitar and his charismatic female cohort psyche up an audience already 100% decided they will applaud absolutely everything that is thrown their way. Nice work if you can get it. Sleigh Bells are a musically compelling proposition, but their lack of backing musicians, coupled with little more than a 45 minute set, makes the live experience a little underwhelming. [Chris Cusack]