Silversun Pickups @ Òran Mór, 1 July

Article by Chris Buckle | 07 Jul 2009

It's not surprising that Silversun Pickups haven't quite managed to graduate to the mainstream in the UK, despite a repertoire of radio-friendly tunes. Most of their songs safely conform to an early nineties alternative rock blueprint, though squint your ears and certain tracks aren’t a million miles away from a grungier Offspring (see Sort Of’s sweeping chorus - thrillingly distorted on record, rote pop-rock live). Elsewhere the oft-repeated Smashing Pumpkins comparisons are more pronounced - as well as an acronym, Silversun Pickups share with Corgan’s circus a divisive vocalist, Brian Aubert’s faint sigh sounding unfortunately apathetic. For many, bassist Nikki Monninger is the star - elegantly untouched by the heat (Aubert's sweaty visage is somewhat less composed), almost every rumbling bass-note sparks cheers. But despite stretches of mediocrity, tonight is salvaged by a handful of standout numbers, with Panic Switch particularly impressive: fierce and uplifting, it has in spades what much of their anemic set otherwise lacks.