Mouse Eat Mouse plus support @ The Bongo Club

Delivering songs with the strength to single-handedly capture the essence of Orwell's 1984.

Article by David Coyle | 11 May 2007
The Bongo Club plays host to this Festival of colloquialisms and punchy
cynicism tonight as Dumb Instrument snuggle up alongside Mouse Eat Mouse. Dumb Instrument (4/5), perhaps named so due to the fact that they are without a drummer, are unmistakably of these parts. 'Maw fetch a hammer, there's a fly on the babies heid,' croons the vocalist along to their 12 bar blues. A laid-back affair, the 'Instrument are talented musicians who can easily conjure up something to write home about. The distinct lack of skintight jeans and big hair is initially a shock to the system but once you get over the fact that they are above the age of consent (shock... horror and mortal terror) you will find substance, insight and passion. All of this without the aid of some strategically placed make-up. Mouse Eat Mouse (4/5) equally sound like Rabbie Burns on Mescaline. "Psst," whispers vocalist CD Shade, "Clipe on yer maw." This proves to be the highlight of the night as the band work with fervour and Shade applies an escalating tone and animated posture to his persona. Delivering songs with the strength to single-handedly capture the essence of Orwell's 1984. Mouse eat Mouse are frighteningly good. [David Coyle]
Mouse Eat Mouse play the 13th Note, Glasgow on 17 May.