Fuck Buttons @ The Arches, 24 April

Article by Darren Carle | 27 Apr 2010

The giant leap that Fuck Buttons boldly took with last year's Tarot Sport is in full evidence tonight at the Arches. Previously the Bristol duo’s live shows had laboured under a self-imposed glass roof as well as a dangerous contentment with their own noise, but as opener Surf Solar gradually envelopes the audience with its grandeur, it’s clear that Andrew Hung and Benjamin John Power are thinking as much about us as they are themselves.

Rough Steez affords a little welcome respite from the aural assault when it drops the kitchen cutlery percussion and space guitar chorus to surprisingly brilliant effect. Sure, the sound system struggles with the sheer enormity of it all on a couple of occasions, but when you see Hung patching in the ethereal chimes of Olympians with a vintage, clunky grey Nintendo Gameboy and making it sound like the mothership is calling you, such earthly limitations can easily be overlooked. [Darren Carle]

