Dancing Mice/The Vivians @ Bannermans Underworld

Girls are Dancing!!

Article by Hamza Khan | 11 Jan 2007

Girls are Dancing!! screams Damon Deville, lead singer of rising Edinburgh based outfit and Skinny Party rockers, The Vivians (4/5), who perform a perfect glamrock show for fans and friends. They swear, jump off drumsets, dance with the crowd, writhe on stage, trash instruments and spit flagrantly, everything a punk band should do, short of punching the Queen in the face.

The Dancing Mice (3/5) sing about radio composers and Tamagotchi girls, the once cool pioneers that society abandoned. The band's members can relate to these pop culture ghosts, each hiding behind speakers and shadows. Arms crossed and posture stiff, maybe they're scared of the small crowd in Bannermans. But if you look closely you'll see feet stomping, fingers pointing, a solitary fist that shoots up and disappears. The trumpet is screaming, the guitar and bass aren't huddling together - they're fighting, each one trying to throw the fastest, curviest punch. If Madness were actually called "Dependency Personality Disorder", they'd sound like the …Mice, who bring to 80s synthpop innovation and modern pop psychology hang-ups. [Hamza Khan]
