Spotlight On... Bee Asha
Ahead of releasing her new album Goodbye, Gracious, we shine a spotlight on Edinburgh artist Bee Asha
We first spoke to Bee Asha about The Gitika Project last September, and it became quickly apparent how ambitious it was all going to be; there were countless collaborations, as well as video shoots galore in the works. At the time she was gearing up to release Shy Guy, complete with video game, and its colourful and quirky Mario Kart-inspired music video. It’s safe to say that since then, the project has evolved.
A product of the project – Bee Asha's album Goodbye, Gracious – is due for release on Friday 17 May and, surprisingly, Shy Guy doesn’t feature. But listening to the record, it was definitely the right decision, as it just doesn't fit amongst Asha's poetic exploration of connection, as she delves into topics like toxic friendships, self-care, deception, healing, and issues surrounding trust.
Goodbye, Gracious is the real deal, a complete package, and one that carries a lot of weight, maturity and trauma across its eight tracks that flows effortlessly through spoken word, jazz, garage, trip-hop, R’n’B, house and more. It's an exceptional piece of work that feels truly worth the wait. Ahead of its release, we catch up with Bee Asha to find out more.
Can you start by telling us about the idea behind the project and the album?
The Gitika Project stemmed from craving collaboration. I wanted to work with artists, musicians, producers, directors, videographers, set designers and all sorts of creatives to build work around the theme of connection. It has been a really fun project making music videos, video games and music with some amazing people from across Scotland. But like anything it evolved. The album started off heading to a really light and fun place and I ended up having a quite heavy mental health dip in 2023 that changed the shape of the album completely. I started writing more about disconnection and loss. The title track Goodbye, Gracious was written after a really dark period and It has become one of my favorite songs. The transition it has from slow melancholy poetry into dancey electro-pop is just very me.
We’ve chatted about the project before. Overall, it feels like it’s ended in a very different place than you perhaps initially thought it would, with songs like Shy Guy not making the final cut. What has the evolution of working on this project been like for you?
The evolution was just the project flowing with me. When I changed, the project changed. When I was up, it was up. When I was down, it was down. I fluctuate often in my emotions, daily sometimes, so the music reflects that. It has some great dance and jazzy elements in it but also a lot of poetic ambience. I just picked the songs that felt right, that connected with me most. There's a lot more just sitting there now ready for another day.
Can you tell us about some of the themes found across the project; is there anything tying all of the songs together?
Connection/disconnection, loss and healing. I think the thing that ties them all together is me really. It's my existence. My darkness and my joy. And some great drums from my producer Joe Maggi. Hahaha.
I really love the inclusion of Message fae Ma. Why was it important for you to include that?
It's been a hard road for my family and friends. All the difficulties I face affected them too and I wanted to include that in this album. To let them know that I know how difficult it is for them, but their love and care helps me push through. Sometimes I feel like they are Damocles, I'm the sword and my mental health is the horse's hair... I worry about how much they worry about me. Because I feel strong as fuck sometimes, the most able and on it human, then suddenly I'm lost to the world again.
Can you tell us about some of the people you worked with on this record, and how did some of those relationships come about?
For the music videos, I worked with directors, editors, videographers, dancers, lighting techs, makeup artists, costume designers and more! It was especially great working on Gitika with all my brown sisters acting as the sirens as well as the team for the shoot, recceing the spot and trying to catch the golden hours!
I met my producer Joe through Intercultural Youth Scotland. I'm honestly amazed at his talent all the time – really incredible. He introduced me to Valeriano Bosso who has helped me finish it all off. He's great at his job and has been such a gem. I'm yet to release Boys [a single that's not on the record], but that was a great shoot. A friend of mine, Emmanuel Carlos, rallied all the dancers for me and they were so lovely! One of them actually introduced me to the costume designer Franz Maggs [who designed the red dress] I wore. My brother Seb Singh did the set and brought along a beautiful big white lotus flower!
Image: Bee Asha from Boys video shoot, courtesy of artist
You’re not long back from performing at the Focus Wales showcase festival in Wrexham; how was that for you?
It was so fun! Drove down with the band and we had to stay in a caravan on a horse farm because we couldn't afford a hotel, it was honestly the comfiest bed I've ever slept on! The gig was good, it was defo the best we've played yet! I think next year is gonna be a full festival season.
Beyond the record, what does the rest of the year look like for you?
So I run the charity The Spit it Out Project, and our festival is coming up at the start of June. I'm really excited about all the incredible creative and artists we are supporting this year. I'm going to have an album launch party in July sometime at Leith Cricket Club, then I've been asked to play a few gigs down in London at the end of the summer and in autumn. I'm going to start working on my next album too ;)
Goodbye, Gracious is self-released on 17 May
Follow Bee Asha on Instagram @bee.asha.bish
The Spit It Out Project runs in Edinburgh, Glasgow and online from 6-16 Jun; find out more at