
A delightful fantasy adventure

Film Review by Paul Greenwood | 08 Oct 2007
Film title: Stardust
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Starring: Charlie Cox, Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro
Release date: 19 Oct
Certificate: PG
A young man (Cox) ends up in the magical kingdom of Stormhold where he must help a fallen star (Danes) who is being pursued by Pfeiffer's witch who wants her heart for eternal youth, and a prince who needs it or he'll never be king. With a structure not unlike the gangster romps of Vaughn's past (everyone running around daft trying to get their hands on a McGuffin), Stardust is a delightful fantasy adventure filled with wit and excitement. As is the rule with films like this, the lead must be handsome but bland, and Cox obliges. But De Niro will surprise you (for good or bad is up to you) as a pirate with a secret, Pfeiffer has a blast and Ricky Gervais is Ricky Gervais. Fantasies with such a lightness of touch are thin on the ground these days, most preferring the route of po-faced dragon worship. Stardust clearly aspires to be the Princess Bride of its generation and, in such illustrious company, it can hold its head up high. [Paul Greenwood]