
Laughter, tears, frustration and anger are all to be found when watching Sicko

Film Review by Paul Greenwood | 08 Oct 2007
Film title: Sicko
Director: Michael Moore
Starring: Michael Moore
Release date: 26 Oct
Certificate: 12A
Michael Moore doesn't do subtle, and he doesn't do balanced. What he does is elicit reaction, and he knows intuitively how to achieve this. Laughter, tears, frustration and anger are all to be found when watching Sicko, his latest attack on the ills of American society. His question is a simple one: why does the richest country in the world allow its citizens to die because they can't afford healthcare? Any American whose healthcare cover isn't provided by their employer must take out an insurance policy if they don't want to incur the potentially huge costs of their medical bills themselves. One in six can't afford this insurance. Moore's focus though, is on the other quarter of a billion people in the country who do have it, but who may still be forced to pay anyway, illustrated through case studies of people who've been refused or can't afford treatment. To further make his point, he heads first for Canada, then to the UK and France and finally to Cuba where good quality care is available free to all. Yes, there's no right to reply. Yes, there are undoubtedly many millions of people each year who receive good and fair service from their insurers. Yes, our own healthcare system (and no doubt France and Canada's) is far from perfect. Nevertheless, watch and feel something, even if it is just sick. [Paul Greenwood]