loudQUIETloud: A Film About The Pixies

Without a polo-neck wearing shrink in sight

Film Review by Dave Kerr | 14 Aug 2006
Film title: loudQUIETloud: A Film About The Pixies SkinnyFest 2

Steven Cantor and Matthew Galkin co-dissect and expose the fragile ties behind the egos of humbled and estranged alternative rock icons in loudQUIETloud: A Film About The Pixies. Without a polo-neck wearing shrink in sight, the trials and tribulations of the seminal Boston quartet's second coming are charted rather candidly and in a way that communicates the bittersweet success of their return and the convenience of their professional dynamic, as well as the melancholic paralysis of their interpersonal relationships.

Of prominent poignancy is a moment where drummer David Lovering seems to 'lose his shit' mid-set, inexplicably dwelling on a simplistic impromptu solo as his band mates and fans look on in bewilderment – "Are you high?" Black Francis screams. Having his life redirected from musician in the limelight to professional magician and back, Lovering makes the return to his stool with particular difficulty as his fellow Pixies struggle to communicate concerns for his health. Guitarist Joey Santiago often provides a rationalised insight into their collective psyche while Kim Deal does her best to stay sober and contend with the overwhelming dedication of their fan base. Francis, meanwhile, seems to tread on eggshells just to make sure the status quo is kept this time around.

In a nutshell, loudQUIETloud amounts to a humane and delicately demystifying look at a band that reformed against all the odds. Of course, the soundtrack ain't too bad either.

TUE 22 AUG 22:00 Cameo £7.45 (£5.20 concs)
FRI 25 AUG 21:30 Cameo £7.45 (£5.20 concs)
