Makes me crave more Quebec cinema.
| 16 May 2006
Film title:
Jean-Marc Vallée.
Marc-André Grondin, Michel Côté
Release date:
Out now
Rolling through a '70s and '80s Quebec, 'C.R.A.Z.Y' draws out a fantasy-laden story of coming-of-age and coming out. Rather than follow Hollywood's recent gay sensationalism trend, hero Zac (Marc-Andre Grondin) is portrayed realistically struggling to accept his sexuality, not to mention sharing a birthday with Mr. Jesus. Fortunately avoided here are the usual cat-walking and rolling out of any typical coming-out cliches. Symbols and miraculous events give the film a wonderful fable-esque feel, while Jesus-references, Christian myths and odd bits of fantasy punctuate the already engaging storyline. Michel Cote's performance as the father is damn sensational and makes me crave more Quebec cinema. [David Winton]