
Certificate 12A my arse.

Film Review by Paul Greenwood | 07 Dec 2007
Film title: Beowulf
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Starring: Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie
Certificate: 12A
Certificate 12A my arse: rampant nudity, blood everywhere and truly terrifying, Beowulf certainly ain't for the kiddies. Using motion capture techniques to animate over the actors, the 8th century Anglo-Saxon poem is brought vividly to life in this outstanding adventure. Ray "I'm 'ere to kill your monstah" Winstone is the eponymous mo-cap mo-fo who turns up at Danish king Hopkins' court to help them out with a little demon-beastie problem they've been having. Quickly besting the Gollum-inspiring Grendel, the real trouble begins when he has to deal with Grendel's understandably upset mommy (Jolie). Though stunningly rendered and full of rollicking action, the timeless strength of the story lies in its examination of the pride, vanity and weakness of man. But the heroism of Beowulf transcends even these iniquities, which is why his song will be sung forever. [Paul Greenwood]