And When Did You Last See Your Father?

Never as moving as it wants to be

Film Review by Laura Smith | 08 Oct 2007
Film title: And When Did You Last See Your Father?
Director: Anand Tucker
Starring: Jim Broadbent, Colin Firth, Juliet Stevenson
Release date: 5 Oct
Certificate: 12A
Adapted from Blake Morrison's memoir of his troubled relationship with his father, Anand Tucker's film ambles along amiably enough through nostalgia-tinged episodes, building up a picture of a man struggling to come to terms with his dying father's failings. Broadbent is terrific as the blithely unaware paterfamilias, cheerfully embarrassing his sensitive son at every opportunity. A limp Firth aside, the performances are uniformly excellent: newcomer Matthew Beard is touchingly convincing as the adolescent Blake; the always-reliable Juliet Stevenson underplays the put-upon mum to great effect and one-to-watch Carey Mulligan is memorable in a glowing cameo as an elusive tour guide. It's gently humorous and gorgeously shot, but the effortlessly fluid direction is meandering at times, even indulgent. Lush period detail, a wistful score and quality cast aren't enough to elevate the film from its common-or-garden BBC drama credentials. Big Fish without the fun, it's a sometimes tender but mostly tepid weepie that's never as moving as it wants to be. [Laura Smith]