Alpha Dog

As drug dealers go, Hirsch is as intimidating as the pharmacist at Boots.

Film Review by Parker Langley | 11 Apr 2007
Film title: Alpha Dog
Director: Nick Cassavetes
Starring: Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Justin Timberlake, Bruce Willis, Sharon Stone
Release date: 20 Apr
Certificate: 15
Based on the true story of long-time FBI fugitive Jesse James Hollywood, Nick Cassavetes' fifth feature is the cinematic equivalent of a Hawaiian shirt - a senseless attempt at high style which can't disguise a lack of personality or taste. Johnny Truelove (Hirsch) becomes involved in a drug feud with psychotic junkie Jake (Foster) and, foolishly, kidnaps his younger brother. Cue violent mayhem in the Valleys, inexplicably interspersed with tedious party scenes which allow Justin Timberlake to show off his torso. The real problem is the lightweight acting - as drug dealers go, Hirsch is as intimidating as the pharmacist at Boots, while veterans Willis and Stone chew up more scenery than a plague of termites. Cassavetes occasionally pleases with his visual flair, but elicits no empathy for, or interest in, this crowd of chuckleheads. [Parker Langley]