Zombie Flesh Eaters

Film Review by Scotty McKellar | 05 Dec 2012
Film title: Zombie Flesh Eaters
Director: Lucio Fulci
Starring: Tisa Farrow, Ian McCulloch
Release date: 3 Dec
Certificate: 18

Fulci's legendary gore-filled video nasty finally shambles on to a UK Blu-ray release just in time for Christmas. Make no mistake, this is one for the zombie lover in your life. While it owes much of its success to Romero's Dawn of the the Dead, Fulci's bloody masterpiece transcends accusations of plagiarism and stands proudly as one of the best of the genre. It's a film of extremes, and not one for the faint hearted.

From the iconic and thoroughly grotesque worm-ridden 'walking flower pot' zombies, to buckets of throat-tearing gore, it doesn't hold back and has plenty of classic moments. Perhaps the most famous is the surreal underwater zombie-versus-shark fight, but the more traditional splinter in the eye scene, beloved by the censors, still has the power to shock. Uncut and in a brand new hi-def transfer, the stomach-churning splatter has never looked better. What more could you want for a traditional family Christmas? [Scotty McKellar]