Film title:
Wake Up Screaming
Release date:
Out now.
Wake up Screaming is a documentary of the Vans Warped Tour following Peta2's (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) Jason Bayless and his crew through 48 cities over eight weeks. Billed as a punk rock documentary where 'every night is a Saturday night and every morning is a Monday morning', this description is more than a little misleading as the film serves as a thinly veiled vehicle for Peta and would be better described as propaganda with a bit of music thrown in. Having said that, Bayless does capture something of the atmosphere of life on tour and there are live performances from Silverstein and Story of the Year as well as clips from several other bands including NOFX and Opiates for the Masses. While it's totally watchable and raises some interesting debates, the fact that music clearly takes a back seat in Wake Up Screaming is sure to leave fans feeling cheated. [Julie Paterson]
Release Date: Out now.