Film title:
The Wicker Man - Original Soundtrack
Last month's release of the 'Wicker Man Special Edition', while not a music dvd in itself, featured the famous original soundtrack - a combination of traditional Scottish folk variations and atmospheric 'occasional pieces' - as part of the set. Particularly noteworthy because the original tapes were thought lost, or even destroyed, for many years, the Wicker Man is also one of the finest soundtracks yet written. Paul Giovanni, its composer, ensured its musical 'vision' was appropriately ambitious for the themes of belief, life, death, and sex that pervade 'The Wicker Man', and Magnet's renditions remain steeped in the remote exoticism and menace of the film itself. Perhaps too 'heavy' for a traditional start to finish listen, splice these tunes into a mix next time you're on a road trip Up North, and experience the sinister mysticism of one of our most recent and chilling fairytales. [RJ Thomson]
Out now.