Someone Else

Real and relatable

Film Review by Caitlin Rattray | 06 Jan 2008
Film title: Someone Else
Director: Col Spector
Starring: Stephen Mangan, Susan Lynch, Chris Coghill, Lara Belmont
Release date: 28 Jan
Certificate: 15
David (Mangan), an unfulfilled and impassionate photographer, dumps the ever-reliable Lisa (Lynch) after being struck with a dose of 'the grass is always greener'. Unfortunately for him, his latest squeeze, the maverick Nina (Belmont) has caught the same virus. With a little help from Matt (Coghill), a man of few words and even fewer brain cells, David sets out on a quest to fill the void left by the two women. With beautifully set scenes reminiscent of Woody Allen's Manhattan and frank dialogue that makes for uncomfortable viewing, Someone Else is a brutally honest and scarily realistic sneak-peak into the life of British singles. Real and relatable, this expose of modern day singles simultaneously sparks feelings of anger and empathy at David's inexpert dealings with relationships and the opposite sex. [Caitlin Rattray]