Logan's Run

Film Review by Jack McFarlane | 15 Sep 2008
Film title: Logan's Run
Director: Michael Anderson
Starring: Michael York, Jenny Agutter, Richard Jordan
Release date: 22 Sep
Certificate: PG

In this post-apocalyptic society, every aspect of life is cared for by the computer that controls the hermetically sealed cities. There is no work, just play. But there is one serious snag: at the age of 30 you must take part in a mass suicide to maintain society’s equilibrium, or else be hunted and terminated by the Sandmen. When the Sandman called Logan goes on the run himself, society's order is threatened. It’s a strong pitch and its premise is still its strongest feature, but every other aspect is seriously lacking or painfully dated. The dialogue and acting could curl your toes, and the stylisation and special effects are now so laughable that even an inspired parody would pale in comparison. Always a little too silly to be considered a true great, by current standards its main appeal lies in its extreme kitsch factor and it’s just screaming out for a decent remake. [Jack McFarlane]