Little Big Soldier

Film Review by Scotty McKellar | 24 Nov 2010
Film title: Little Big Soldier
Director: Sheng Ding
Starring: Jackie Chan, Wang Leehom
Release date: Out now
Certificate: 15

You know where you are with Jackie Chan. He's the lovable king of action comedy who can turn any situation into a whirlwind of martial arts slapstick. You might then be surprised by this personal project: a historical tale set in the Warring States period of ancient China.

Chan plays a reluctant footsoldier who captures an enemy general and decides to use him as a ticket to an honourable discharge and a life of peace. It’s a story of how the personal ambitions of the few can engulf and even destroy the lives of ordinary people around them.

The hyperactive fight-scenes and good natured comedy are there for fans, but there’s something more to it this time and Chan, writing and producing, weaves in moments of real poignancy amid the beautiful location filming. It’s longer than it ought to be and the plot meanders but this labour of love shows, even at 56, he can still do something unexpected. [Scotty McKellar]