Celtic Connections: Songs of Conscience with Tom Paxton @ Royal Concert Hall

Understandably, war figures heavily.

Article by Paul Greenwood | 12 Mar 2007
The assembled crowd tonight certainly couldn't complain about not getting value for money, as various session musicians and singers get their three songs in the spotlight. Archie Fisher, Roy Bailey and Canadian country star Gordie Sampson provide the highlights, and there's even a Dick Gaughan cameo. The theme of the evening is Songs of Conscience, and so, understandably, war figures heavily. But conscience is a broad spectrum, and so we also hear about more localised social issues from Britain and around the world. As the marathon enters its 22nd hour, top of the bill Tom Paxton is finally trundled on. Paxton, a veteran of some standing, doesn't pay a whole lot of obvious heed to the theme, giving us songs about his children alongside some of his most fondly remembered tracks. Sometimes it pays not to be too literal. [Paul Greenwood]