Celtic Connections: John Martyn @ Royal Concert Hall

A challenging and immersive jazz odyssey.

Article by Paul Greenwood | 12 Mar 2007
The sight of a man who looks like Orson Welles playing electric guitar from a wheelchair is not one soon forgotten, but then John Martyn long ago ensured that will never be the case. His landmark 1973 album Solid Air forms the core of this set, wherein he doesn't so much sing in the traditional sense as use his cracked, booze soaked (but still incredibly powerful and evocative) voice to warble and growl his way through the haunting tracks. Think the songs of Van Morrison armed with Pink Floyd's psychedelia and the vocals of Tom Waits to get some measure of what's on offer. Accompanied by ethereal keyboards and a sax that is at turns blazing then hauntingly breathy, it's a challenging and immersive jazz odyssey that may not do much to win over newcomers, but certainly keeps the fan base happy. [Paul Greenwood]