Mark Thomas: Manifesto

Review by Simon Fielding | 18 Jan 2012

The beauty of the Manifesto show lies partly in its power to renew itself. Mark Thomas makes another vital contribution to political comedy this chilly Sunday afternoon; he also, arguably, reminds the capacity crowd of his art form's potential to initiate change. He won't do it alone, however, as audience members are asked to write down policy suggestions for Edinburgh's public declaration of principles on the way in.

Structurally, there's enough robust material at the core of the show (including one superb piece on a Marxist accountant) to allow Thomas to spin tales around each submission: topics range from prescription bacon to fox hunting, lending a medley quality to the performance. Several moments of good cheer are provided by an individual near the front row called Merlin - his shrewd policy suggestions unify the audience and allow Thomas to shake-up some earlier ideas."I love that idea.." is a common refrain throughout the show - a genuine warmth towards the people who've come to see him is perfectly countered by a palpable hatred for everything illiberal and unjust. Thomas remains one of our finest agitators.

The Stand, Edinburgh, Jan 15th 2011