Grow @ Scottish Storytelling Centre
Niall Moorjani's inventive show gives under-5s a solid idea of what a plant needs to grow
The calm of the Scottish Storytelling Centre always feels like a sanctuary from the pandemonium of the Royal Mile in August. For the littlest of Fringe-goers, Grow by Niall Moorjani offers a hopeful, nurturing space to engage with nature and learn a little about our own ability to care for plants in even the tiniest of urban settings.
The set-up is simple – cushions on the floor for the kids to sit on, a hand-crafted set representing an allotment, and a Gardener who needs some help to grow a plant. It’s a multi-sensory experience, with the Gardener handing out bags of strongly-scented lavender and packets of rattly seeds with hand-drawn flowers on the front. There's a host of animal puppet friends, here to help work out what nature needs to thrive. Songs are sung, water is sprayed on the audience and lessons are gently told, so toddlers can leave with a solid idea of what a plant needs to grow. It’s sunshine – rain – time – grow, in case you’re wondering.
Ending with some light drawing, Grow is a beautifully crafted performance for the under-fives. The kids take away both the inspiration and tools for starting their own tiny garden, as they leave with seed packets and pots to plant a sunflower come spring. It’s a heart-warming break from the chaos – Moorjani is an artist whose children’s shows offer the potential for radical change through deceptively subtle means.
Grow, Scottish Storytelling Centre, until 27 Aug, 10.30am & 12pm, £6-8