Flawless @ Underbelly

Flawed Breaks

Feature by Moni Pills | 01 Sep 2010

“Go Flawless!” are the cheers resonating from a packed udderbelly crowd. An energetic barrage of sharp routines coupled with quick musical edits forms the opening number for one of TV’s current hip hop dance stars. Flawless have brought a show that attempts to inspire audience members to chase their own dreams through scenes exploring this idea.

Instead, what we really have is a weak narrative acting as a platform to showcase their skills. Never mind, there’s a lot on offer here from popping and breakdancing to even a pinch of tap and contemporary. There is a sense thatFflawless are a jack of all trades but don’t quite exhibit the mastery yet. A heavy nod to MJ permeates the show, reflected in the music and costume. The choreography is tight, well executed and performed with vigour and personality. But as the show progresses the movement does not.

There is a large TV fan base of teenagers to grandparents to please, however. Flawless do this easily with not so much high brow but high flying sections influenced by Benny Hill, computer games and caffeinated soda drinks. Flawless victory? Not quite but they certainly do enough to win the crowd over.

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