Cabaret Kantor

Show or memoir?

Feature by Mariae Smiarowska | 14 Oct 2010

Basically, this is not a show, it's a retrospective of Richard Demarco's life. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but why bother trying to revive the spirit of Polish legend Tadeusz Kantor when what's almost more interesting is listening to Richard carry on about who he met when and recount the stories of his life. He had to be chased off the stage in order to bring on the acts.

They weren't interesting for the most part. Yawn, snore, went Richard, when unhappy with what was going on onstage. The audience waited for his next snort...what should we think now?

He says of Edinburgh, “It's a city born to resist culture”...and he snores again, waking occasionally to shout “That's it!”. I guess it's actually more interesting to watch Richard than the various acts on stage. But that's what I'm here to do.

Act one, boring. Typical wordless clown, funny haha. Yawn.
Act two, surrealist painting brought to life. Nice bit of Magritte, bowler hats, suitcases, rain. Graceful movement but nothing profound.
Act three. Talent. Comic, interesting, going somewhere but at the moment taking too much time. Still young, got time to grow.
Act four. Ahhhh...finally. Something darker, more sinister. Tea, sugar, blood. Madness, anarchy, questioning, going deeper. Thank you.

Curtain call.

Roxy art house, middle of the night, cabaret, atmospheric. Every night a different show, so you never know what you're going to get.
Must bring alcohol to get through this.