Marmite @ Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre

Envy is pain, lust is pain, passion is pain - and yes most certainly love can indeed be pain. Yet, just like Marmite - we either hate or can't help love it.

Review by Dominic Corr | 13 Aug 2018

At its baseline – love is the bog-standard narrative tool, second only to unrequited. It’s challenging to craft new texts around the subject without borrowing influences from elsewhere. There’re strong correlations with the works of Russel T. Davies, known for shows such as Queer as Folk and Cucumber in Limerence Productions' Marmite.

So, just how has monogamy evolved in the post-modern era? In reality – the only difference is we now have apps to ease open relationships into the mainstage. Marmite takes inspiration from that infamous spread, we either love or hate it. Quite often with no middle ground. So, when Eddie (Jonas Moore) encounters Dylan (Matt Pettifor), both of whom on dates even Gumtree would be ashamed of, there’s an intense spark. It is however when exclusivity of a relationship arises the story unfolds, engaging in an open relationship with other men we see the cracks appear as Eddie feels left behind, Dylan under the illusion it’s all fine.

With no handholding, Marmite doesn’t seek to scrutinise. Regardless of actions, both Eddie and Dylan are neither portrayed as a villain. Any intent to do so is in the audiences’ own feelings. A testament to the wit behind the script, not thrusting any opinions simply laying them before the audience to scrap and debate over.

The bluntness of the humour is honest with no force, selling the characters. Eddie’s sister Rosie being the utter gem of the production. Exceptionally well-written nothing is out of the realms of plausibility. Limerence has crafted such a simple story, easy to follow and enjoy that Marmite cannot live up to its originator' name – you must love it.

Marmite, Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre, Until 26 Aug, 15.30pm, £10.00/£8.00

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