Sarah Kendall review - SkinnyFest 1

Article by Suzanne Mitchell | 14 Aug 2006
From how to gain more space on public transport to things she would rather do than listen to Paris Hilton's new single, Sarah Kendall's renowned wit and sarcasm are once again put to good use. 'Esprit de l'escalier', or coming up with a funny comment after the moment has passed, is the main theme of the show, with Kendall claiming she has this problem. Considering her snappy remarks to interruptions from people needing bathroom breaks, though, this is something nobody could accuse Kendall of. Unflinchingly, she taunts others who may be in need of relief by drinking deliberately from a bottle of water. Despite her satirical eye for detail, Kendall's act does not cause you to hold your sides for fear of them splitting. Although executed with flair, some of the punchlines feel like the mid-point joke in a gag, leaving you waiting for the finale. Given her usual high standards, this is a below-average performance from one of the festival's favourite comediennes. Worth a look, if only to see her pull her Nicole Kidman face.

[Suzanne Mitchell]
Sarah Kendall, Pleasance Courtyard, until August 28 (not 14, 21), 20:00, £10/£9 (£8.50/£7.50).