Spencer Jones @ Pleasance Courtyard
Spencer Jones returns after a year away from the Fringe, armed with a never-ending supply of gags, tricks and props
Spencer Jones’ mix of prop comedy, songs, stand-up and clowning combine to make a very special hour of non-stop laughs. He has a never-ending supply of toys, gags, tricks and winks which he can't wait to use on you. He has a love for comedy and performing, and we love to be on the receiving end of it. After a year away from the Fringe, he seems in a frantic rush to cram as many jokes in as possible. The build-up and backlog of ideas has ended in a explosion of creativity; his creative cup is overflowing. Trying not to laugh is time wasted.
Very loosely speaking, this year’s show is based around a late night run in with Jones, that just so happens to be in his home workshop. While his wife and kids are asleep, Jones walks us through his Aladdin’s cave of comedy junk. He's collected many potential props during his absence; puppets made from hoover parts, a suitcase full of old glasses – some inventions seem alien, even to Jones. He darts around the stage grabbing his homemade props and bric-a-brac, hoping to one day find a use for it. He's even recycled some of his old props into terrifying new ones.
Much like a gleeful school kid showing off his new toy in the playground, Jones introduces us to his current favourite toy: his eBay-bought Boss RC-505 loop station. It is a wise investment. His strangely hypnotic music creations are short beams of joy that are interspersed throughout the show. He's been able to translate what we love about his visual comedy into audio. Loops like ‘Do you remember my Mum?’ will be hummed for days after.
Spencer Jones: The Things We Leave Behind, Pleasance Courtyard (Beneath), until 25 Aug, 5.45pm, £10-13 // Extra show: 23rd Aug, 3.15pm, £12-13