Jupiter is in Mars' orbit which makes this the year that New Year's resolutions will be stuck to. New Year's resolution - to give a Piscean a present every month.
We've all thought about giving up our bad habits but think of all the interesting people you've met because of them. New Year's resolution – stick to what you know.
One month off the booze means mighty fish tank. New Years resolution – eat more cheese, especially before bed.
If Kylie can catch it so can you! Check your boobs. If you don't have any find the nearest available pair. New Year's resolution – make a new friend every week.
New Year, New Life. Could it be time to drop it all and start again? New Year's resolution – make better friends.
You'll be surprised how much fun making robots out of clay can be. Don't wear grey if you don't want to look like a terrorist. New Year's resolution – create more prettiness.
A sexy Sagittarius is making a bee-line for you. Single? Grab them with both hands. Not? Be careful fo you will be tempted. New Year's resolution – take more risks.
What goes around comes around. You've been a good person. Now it's time to reap what you've sown. New Year's resolution – it's all about me!
You have your eye on someone. Keep at it and they will say yes eventually – after ten vodkas. New Year's resolution – don't put your keys in the bowl.
You'll feel unsettled and find it hard to relax this month. Got an itch? Try natural yoghurt. New Year's resolution – wear cotton undies.
Sod New Year's resolutions. Who are you kidding? Don't try, you'll only be disappointed. Chocolate will be big this year. New Year's resolution – hinder all others.
Your boss is being a total dick. Tell them. They're not the boss of you! Well maybe they are but this is a time for change after all. New Year's resolution – shop more.