The Tigerpicks - Electro Funk Disco Punk

The debut single from the Manchester threesome is generic nu-rave by numbers

Single Review by Peter Walker | 10 Jul 2007
Single title: Electro Funk Disco Punk
Artist: The Tigerpicks
Label: Deltasonic
Through the heavy fog of propaganda surrounding the latest indie/electro boom a few artists have emerged producing music which combines the best elements of both genres. Unfortunately the Tigerpicks are no such band. Disco Punk Electro Funk, the debut single from the Manchester threesome, is generic nu-rave by numbers. The most basic of drum lines and guitar riffs propel it along at typically frenetic pop punk pace whilst the singer chants the title, relentlessly reminding you of the marketing man's grasp of the scene's buzz words. [Peter Walker]
Released: Out now.