Soom T vs. King Creosote - What Is Life?

A danceable little number, and as inventive a musical marriage as you are likely to hear this year

Single Review by Bram Gieben | 10 Jun 2007
Label: Root 8 Recordings
A strange and enlightening one-track single from Fence Collective's King Creosote and Glasgow hip-hop diva Soom T of Monkeytribe. They met at the Burnsong Songhouse in Dumfries and Galloway last year, a national initiative set up to honour the nation's most famous bard. The resultant fusion of King Creosote's gypsy-folk with Soom T's exquisite singing - inflected with just the rarest trace of a hip-hop cadence – is at once a danceable little number and as inventive a musical marriage as you are likely to hear this year. More please! [Bram Gieben]
Release Date: Out now.