Prince Fatty - Milk and Honey

If you like the classic early dub sound, and you appreciate the less freaked-out pioneers of the bass, you'll probably have no trouble enjoying his work.

Single Review by James Blake | 10 Jun 2007
Single title: Milk and Honey
Artist: Prince Fatty
Label: Mr Bongo Recordings
Dub done really well, and great dub... is there a difference? Well, not if you aren't fussy, no. It's hard to place Milk and Honey on that spectrum, but it's definitely somewhere past done well, and definitely not as far along as great. If you like the classic early dub sound, and you appreciate the less freaked-out pioneers of the bass, you'll probably have no trouble enjoying his work. Fatty has produced for Lilly Allen and Stussy, and he's an underground sensation after the release of his hit, Nina's Dance. The best thing about the single is not producer Prince Fatty's beats, however, but the vocal from Hollie Cook, currently a member of The Slits. Hollie is talented for sure, and it's her spooked vocal that gives the title track of this single the uniqueness it would otherwise lack. [James Blake]
Release Date: 18 June. Prince Fatty will be touring later in 2007.