Mr. Hudson & The Library - Picture of You

Mr. Hudson captures elements of classic Sting in Picture of You

Single Review by Omar Jenning | 08 Sep 2007
Single title: Picture of You
Artist: Mr. Hudson & The Library
Label: Mercury
Mr. Hudson & The Library are not your stereotypical indie band. Having worked with grime artists like L.Man and Lethal B among many others, you get the sense that they love music regardless of the genre. Mr. Hudson's latest single, Picture of You, is a heartfelt song that pokes fun at the music industry. 'Should time bring me fame or a touch of bling - imagine that: being paid to sing - keep your cigars, cars and frosted rings'. With clever lyrics and a melodically memorable chorus that incorporates prominent chords, Mr. Hudson reminds his fans what he will always hold most dear - family. Whether deliberate or accidental, Mr. Hudson captures elements of classic Sting in Picture of You. And without sounding like a replica, he and his band have painted a captivating picture. [Omar Jenning]

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