Estelle feat. Kanye West - American Boy

Ticks all the right boxes for a stylish, fresh and unique conceptual record.

Single Review by Omar Jenning | 01 Apr 2008
Single title: American Boy
Artist: Estelle feat. Kanye West
Label: Atlantic Records

Stateside fellas around the world will welcome the new found attention created by the ladies anthem and new single from Estelle, American Boy. After raising herself out of the turmoil of label gripes at Virgin and finding a new abode at Homeschool/Atlantic Records, Estelle is back with the second single from her album, Shine. American Boy, produced by and featuring KanYe West, ticks all the right boxes for a stylish, fresh and unique conceptual record. Rarely does out of key singing come across so well and sit so perfectly on top of an electric driven synth amongst a tight drum pattern and smooth bass line. To date this is the best effort from Estelle and her passion and creativity will resonate with fans of good music. [Omar Jenning]


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