DMZ - Digital Mystikz Vs Loefah featuring Sgt. Pokes, The Classic Grand, Glasgow, 28th April 2007

Multiple reloads on 50,000 Watz sent the crowd charging forward to the point that the flimsy plywood barrier was almost crushed. On-mass skanking caused the needle to be knocked off the vinyl more than once

Article by Jack McFarlane | 11 May 2007
The bad-boy soundsystem that is Mungo's Hi-Fi has found a new calling in the Electric Eliminators-organised dubstep events. For the likes of Digital Mystikz and Loefah, playing out on anything smaller than an absolutely massive rig would be criminal waste of their trade mark deep, dirty, and palpable sub-bass. Their sets are based around crowd reactions, and they know how to get them. Multiple reloads on 50,000 Watz sent the crowd charging forward to the point that the flimsy plywood barrier was almost crushed. On-mass skanking caused the needle to be knocked off the vinyl more than once, but resident DMZ MC Sgt. Pokes remained the compare extraordinaire throughout, maintaining his composure and humour even when the night was unceremoniously ended when the over-zealous security cut the power to force a stop. With sets as intense as this DMZ will remain the brand of dubstep quality for years to come. [Jack McFarl;ane]