Basement Breaks, 13th Note, Glasgow, 21 Feb

The years away seems to have been good for everyone's drive, giving the crowd that hunger, and the performers the desire to make sure everyone goes home well fed.

Article by DalaiDahmer | 11 Apr 2007

Yes! That's the overwhelming sentiment in the heads of the heads assembled for the rebirth of Glasgow's underground hip hop night in the Thirteenth Note. It feels like Scottish hip-hop's front room is open again, and everyone is here for the housewarming. Loki is the first to take the stage after the DJ, collaborating with some old and new faces, setting the mood to 'party'. The years away seems to have been good for everyone's drive, giving the crowd that hunger, and the performers the desire to make sure everyone goes home well fed. Most of the skills on display are fresh as hell, and almost everyone has a grin on their face. As long as nobody trashes the venues or puts holes in the ceiling this time round they might even be able to keep Loki's promise to "still be here when all's left is Americans". [Dalai Dahmer]