Tronic, Barfly, Glasgow, Feb 17
A night of innovative danceable music, but definitely not a dance night
| 15 Feb 2006
This fledgling night of live electronica has been forged from a small community of musicians playing in "proper" bands but frantically wishing they could devote all their musical energy to their computer love. Playing live will be Kink, with fast paced Canadian beats, Satellite Dub will unleash a distorted, bouncing assault, and from Belgian's U Cover record label, Lan Formatique's lush ambient lullabies. With a similar mission statement to the long running Miso at the 13th Note, the organisers want to fill a gap in the market with a night of innovative danceable music, but definitely not a dance night. Nothing wrong with that of course, it's just that Glasgow has more of these than it has Buckfast casualties. If you are writhing about in a guitar rut yourself, go hear, or even ask to join in for yourself. [Melissa Thomson]
Barfly, Glasgow, Feb 17, 8pm till late, £3 on door.