Microphyst @ The Audacious Collective, The Bongo Club. 12 Jun

These kinds of nights should probably come with a warning label – Danger: Explicit Acoustics – Contents of brain may be re-arranged

Article by Josh Coppersmith-Heaven | 23 May 2008

These kinds of nights should probably come with a warning label; "Danger: Explicit Acoustics – Contents of brain may be re-arranged". I’m sure Microphyst’s intention is exactly that, creating shockwaves to travel through brainwaves in their native Bedford. The pounding, schizophrenic, electro-techno-jungle beats come in spurts like machine gun fire. Suddenly the beat will disappear, and as you stand dazed and wonder where it's gone, it returns to hit you on the back of the head like a wild poltergeist. Facing this music head on is like taking a chance with an oncoming train. Resinate will also be present, spilling out a spectrum that ranges from ambient walls of sound and more rolling breaks to mathematical breakcore that somehow enivisions interstellar chess. Breathing space may be found in ScrambledEd’s deep and woofy rounded sounds, overlayed with intricate synthesizers that have a classical, light-hearted edge. But still, I suggest you check your pulse is regular and your mind is robust before making any definite plans to go. [Josh Coppersmith-Heaven]

10pm – 3am, £3/4