Wildwood by Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis

Book Review by Alice Sinclair | 29 Feb 2012
Book title: Wildwood
Author: Colin Meloy and Carson Ellis

Prue McKeel was babysitting her baby brother, but could do nothing when he was kidnapped by crows and flown away. She has only one choice: to follow his abductors into the Impassable Wilderness that borders her hometown of Portland, Oregon, and find him. As she and fellow adventurer Curtis embark on their rescue mission, they discover that the threatening forest is not only passable but home to all sorts of creatures; both friend and foe. The two children are caught up in danger aplenty in a place where magic exists and they need to rescue more than just baby Mac.The first in the Wildwood Chronicles series by Decemberists' lead singer Colin Meloy, this is a charming take on the expedition tale. While there is nothing wildly fresh about the story's imaginative elements, the pace trots along, and Meloy has a lovely turn of phrase. Meloy's wife Carson Ellis's whimsical pictures add an extra dimension to what is a fun, well-crafted adventure story for children and the young at heart. [Alice Sinclair]

Release date 1 March. Published by Canongate. Cover price £10.00.