Julian Goethe - Beams Are Gonna Find Me - Sorcha Dallas
| 17 Mar 2006
Described as 'post-functional' interior design, Goethe's work employs found objects and mirrors to make objects that resemble a baroque take on minimalism. Wrought iron, non-figurative shapes are wound around a mirror with a stark, angular image seemingly abstracted from a natural form. Elsewhere, a found door, grand and dramatic, frames an uncomfortable, angled sea of white that rises and ebbs dramatically behind its antique frame. Ostensibly decorative, the work subverts forms taken from design and reconfigures them as spatially penetrative, slightly intimidating, objects. The combination of almost natural shapes with stark, cold mirrors and grim, black metal is powerful, arresting and ever-so-slightly scary. [Nick Q]
Sorcha Dalas until March 18.