This Week in Scottish Art: 12-18 July
Here's the next seven days of art openings, events and workshops across Scotland, including costume making, new group exhibitions and some good ol' naked drawing.
Tue 12 Jul: All The Young Nudes, Tramway submissions
Time for life drawing to come to the Southside, with All the Young Nudes trying out some new digs in The Rum Shack. As always, there'll be a banging playlist, and the 'Shack are laying on lights, a stage, bar and some dog friendliness. With booking fee, tix are £6.47, and sketching commences at 8pm, and wrapping up at 10pm.
Artist readers also take note of Tramway's new open submission opportunity, starting this summer. There's the chance to exhibit in Tramway itself, as well as a £2000 artist fee and £2500 production budget. Send through your application proposals by 22 July; for more information, see here.
Wed 13 Jul: The Glue Factory group show
In Glue Factory, there is a group show Grab a Chair, Flinch! previewing from 6-9pm. New works will be shown from Judith Hagan, Jessica Higgins, David Roeder & Jack Saunders, working with painting, filmmaking, photography and sculpture, with each of their practices having some significant basis in different forms of writing.
Thu 14 Jul: Kinning Park Complex induction
If you've been along to some of the events at Kinning Park Complex mentioned right here in the weekly, you might be interested in their volunteer induction this Thursday night from 7-9pm. KPC have received funding to provide travel expenses, training and an induction for several positions, including keyholders, fundraisers and community meal helpers.
Fri 15 July: Openings at DCA, Project Ability, CCA, Embassy
In Glasgow from 4-6pm, there's a new show previewing in Project Ability, CATS. Works have been gathered from their various art programmes on the topic of "all things feline related: big cats, fluffy cats, kittens, lions, tigers, leopards and more." In the second gallery, the workshop leaders present a CATS publication, detailing the ideas behind the show.
In Dundee Contemporary Arts, there are a related pair of shows opening, introduced by the curator Graham Domke from 6.30pm. The first, CD-ROMS, showcases the graphic adventure games for girls developed around the '90s by writer, film-maker and computer game creator Theresa Duncan (1966-2007). Watch more about her pioneering work in the video below.
Contemporary artist Eddo Stern is also exhibited this summer in DCA, in Small Wars. He works across "computer software & hardware, game design, live performance, digital video and kinetic sculpture" exploring "the uneasy and otherwise unconscious connections between physical existence and electronic simulation". In this show, DCA showcase Vietnam Romance, a fictionalised history of the Vietnam war.
Later, in CCA from 7-9pm, there's the preview for Aaron McCarthy's New Pyre. For this show, McCarthy presents sculputre, moving image and writing, "seekng forms of production through deconstruction" of identity and "the role of language in belief, thought and place-making".
Over in Edinburgh, Embassy previews its latest group show Like a Floral Knife from 7-10pm with three multimedia artists and filmmakers, each of them working in distinct ways with ideas of sexuality and identity.
Sat 16 Jul: Pipe Factory open day, David Dale group show
The Pipe Factory hosts its summer open day from 10am to 5pm this Saturday, encouraging a visit to the Barras Market and to the Factory itself "for a day of food, music, screenings and craft workshops... (even if it's raining outside)".
While you're out east, make a little walk over to David Dale for the last weekend of the current group show, Secondary Object. See the DD website for an email artwork, attaching to this exhibition on Minimalism and experiencing work secondhand online.
Sun 17 Jul: Jupiter Artland
It's the final weekend of the spring programme at Jupiter Artland. Read our interview with one of the duo behind the sculpture artpark, with some insights from Nicky Wilson on the current exhibitors and the next three artists to come, as well as the new permanent works.
Mon 18 Jul: The Brothers at Filmhouse
Start the next week with a screening in Edinburgh's Filmhouse, acting as a side event for the Dovecot Gallery's current Scottish Endarkenment exhibition which observes the darker trends of thinking in Scottish art since 1945. At 6.15pm, they're showing David MacDonald's 1947 film The Brothers, setting feuding families on a remote island on the Western Isles. Tickets £10/8; details here.