This Week in Scottish Art: 12-18 April
Glasgow International continues while British Art Show gains momentum in Edinburgh; Cryptic Nights returns, a host of GI artists discuss their work, and there's an Aphrodisiac Feast at The Old Barn...
Tue 12 Apr: Pecha Kucha at Glasgow International
Tonight in The Whisky Bond, Glasgow International takes over the regular GSA-run Pecha Kucha and invites exhibiting artists and curators to speak about their work. Tonight's ten-strong lineup includes "nomadic curatorial collaboration" Deuce Deuce, and Beth Shapeero and Alys Owens, who are currently exhibiting their "multisensory and interactive exhibition" The Clinic at The Albus, 100 Brook Street, G40 3AP. Buy tickets here for £6(4).
Wed 13 Apr: Artist talk at GSA
At 1pm, there's an artist talk by Claire Barclay in the Reid Building (across the road from the Mackintosh Building). As part of the Glasgow International Director's Programme in Kelvinhall, Barclay works across sculpture, printmaking and installation work. Based in Glasgow as a practicing artist for over two decades, hear Barclay discuss the ideas and research for GI commission Bright Bodies. Free event, no booking necessary; Bright Bodies is open until 25 April.
Thu 14 Apr: Cryptic Nights at CCA
From Thursday to Sunday, Cryptic Nights continues to blur its remit of live music, visual and sonic art, film and new media, with a presentation of work by artist Heather Lander at CCA from 14-17 April. Combining techno visuals and experimental 3D projections, Lander's work was first exhibited in her MFA Degree Show last summer and is now combined with orchestral commissions from sound artist and musician Pete Sachs.
Fri 15 Apr: 'Live Tinder' in Glasgow, BAS8 in Edinburgh
This Friday, take your solitary online dating to new levels with a Live Tinder Experience at Châteaux Double Wide, at the back of the Avant Garde bar on King Street down the street from Transmission. Speaking to us earlier this month, CDW organisers Zoe Williams and Urara Tsuchiya mentioned an adult baby beauty paegant in their GI work, and Tsuchiya will be collaborating on Friday with Paul Kindersley to make some wedding/adoption Tinder add-ons. Find out what it all means for you from 8pm to midnight at Avant Garde Bar.
For British Art Show 8, Inverleith House presents a screening co-organised by exhibitor Patrick Staff and writer Laura Guy. Their programme is themed around queer genealogies, as a response to Staff's video work in the basement of Inverleith House. Tickets are available to pre-book and cost £3(2).
Sat 16 Apr: Book launch at Good Press, Hekate's Sauna
From 4-7pm, Good Press hosts the launch of Lotte Gertz' new major publication, with refreshments provided. Gertz' practice is based primarily in painting and print elements, and combines expressive markmaking with semi-abstraction and a mixing of "the lowly, the insignificant and the day-to-day... the mythological and the iconic". The launch will run from 4-7pm.
Saturday and Sunday brings Hekate's Sauna to The Old Barn in Glasgow as part of Glasgow International. More specifically, the Sauna is "an arctic army bell tent and heated with a wood burning stove in the garden of a barn inside Pollok Park, in the southside of Glasgow". Bookings should be made here, and Saturday is open to "Lesbian, Dyke, Straight, Bisexual, Queer, Trans, MTFs and FTMs, non-binary, women"; Sunday's bookings are open to all. Clothing is optional, but it's advised that you bring a towel, water bottle and flip flops – teas will be available. Old Barn, Dumbreck Stables, 82 Dumbreck Road, G41 4SN.
Sun 17 Apr: Events in Glasgow and Dundee
In Dundee this Sunday, the Bookmarks Reading Platform marks its 23rd edition with a visit to Dundee's Generator Projects. Duncan of Jordanstone Art, Philosophy and and Contemporary Practices lecturer Dominic Watson gives a free talk from 4pm, then later from 6-9pm launches a new publication, Recount and Residue. Looking towards the interlinking of Big Tech companies, "available brain time" and the notion of paying attention as a new commodity and attached to capital, there is some suggested reading here, on the concept of 'suggestion attention' as a new form of capital.
Back to The Old Barn on Sunday for a screening of The Beast (1975) by Walerian Borowczyk. With the film, which brings together sex dreams and horses, there will be an aphrodisiac feast and costumed performers. This is another Châteaux Double Wide event, so if you enjoyed your live Tinder on Friday night, head here to round off your week. 15 places only, book here.