A World Without Words @ C venue

Terrific little dance show about a two-timing bastard

Feature by Lorna Frost | 10 Aug 2011

Boy sees girl, girl sees boy. Boy embarassed, girl awkward. Boy and girl get it together.

The only problem about A World Without Words is bad boyfriend behaviour. A happy marriage of contemporary and classical with a smattering of hip hop and break moves, it unfolds the dance of nature: that old, old story of boyfriend and girlfriend, sweet on the surface, but hiding something sour within.

Love’s young dream is shortlived - and well paced in this 45 minute pick me up. Aside from an annoying falling bra strap the simplicity and design of the show could not be tighter. It is super and the dancing superb, our heroine fabulous in her passion. The exuberance and energy of youth , the sweetness and physicality of love, the rituals of courting are all there.

A powerful rock, country, pop soundtrack moves the story along too. Carefully choreographed by Frances Teehan and Jonathan Grande this tale of desire and disappointment is thoroughly entertaining.


C venue, 3-20 Aug 2011, 2.15pm