Forced Entertainment @ Tramway

Review by Eric Karoulla | 01 Nov 2013

Forced Entertainment's two performances in Glasgow probe into completely different themes and remarkably contrasting styles of performance. 

The Coming Storm seems to reflect the chaos of everyday life. Stories begin and end, but it is all relevant to the experience of the individual. Simply meeting someone at a certain time in a certain place under certain circumstances means two personal narratives temporarily cross paths. It is much like stepping into a storyteller’s tent when the tale has already begun. The characters are already defined, and the narrative pushes on regardless of who is observing it. 

Forced Entertainment prove their point remarkably well - mainly by running around and distracting each other as well as attracting the audience’s attention. With six performers on stage alternating between narration and movement, it quickly becomes a matter of personal preference regarding which performer or which story to follow. This then translates to each audience member building their own narrative for the performance, although everyone is - in theory - watching the same thing happening on stage.

Meanwhile, Tomorrow's Parties considers the future. What will the future be like? Will it be the same as now? Will contagion or war kill humankind off? Will everyone live in joyous harmony? Will it matter? Stripping the cast - and the action - down to two stationary performers, this show is much more inquisitive, and meditates on the possibilities of what the future holds on an immense, global level. 

While the shows seem as different as the two poles of a magnet, both showcase the theatrical performance skills of Forced Entertainment - a flexible, innovative company, unafraid of trying out different ways of getting their mesage across. [Eric Karoulla]



Run ended