Rockstar Presents Table Tennis

For anyone wanting to cause their close friends as much frustration as possible, this is essential

Game Review by Chris Pickering | 15 Jul 2006
Nope, your eyes don't deceive you. Rockstar - the great minds behind the much adored Grand Theft Auto series - have seen fit to offer up a gaming title on the topic of table tennis. Fortunately it transpires to be the first 'essential' sporting Xbox 360 gaming experience thus far. Despite its lowly RRP this isn't your traditional budget fare. Concentrating on a mere two subjects on screen at any one time has obviously encouraged the development team to tweak and polish up each character model a treat, since even during slow motion replays you'll witness no wildly contorted bodies. Thanks to a glorious control method, where each face button corresponds to a particular type of spin shot, you'll be approaching a masterful level quicker than you can say "new balls please." Despite the short-lived single player option - there's no included career mode – online is where you'll spend the majority of your time. Hearing your fellow gaming pals grunt with displeasure through your headset after you smashed a ball way out of their reach is one of the machine's biggest joys thus far. For anyone wanting to cause their close friends as much frustration as possible, this is essential. [Chris Pickering]
Rockstar Games
Take Two Interactive
out now for 360 - £29.99.,