Play On: Edinburgh Interactive

Button-mash your Fringe away

Article by Alex Cole | 01 Aug 2009

When you’ve had enough of the ambushing street clowns and heckled your last comedian for a while, rest assured this week of the Fringe has you covered. The Edinburgh Corn Exchange is playing host to Edinburgh Interactive, a free-for-all of game previews and guest speakers to keep your thumbs and brains occupied.

Edinburgh Interactive is a massive gathering of all things digital, offering a free play area for the public to get their game on, previews of hot titles like Batman: Arkham Asylum and the new WiiSports, as well as a floor buzzing with industry experts and people in the know. Those of you with a great game idea or a great head for polygons, this is your chance.

The conference will be on Thursday the 13th and Friday the 14th. Attendance is free to the public, but you’ll need to pick up your ticket from Gamestation or download it from their site. For details, check out