Bejeweled 2

Game Review by John Truesdale | 26 May 2009
Game title: Bejeweled 2
Publisher: PopCap Games
Release date: Out Now
Price: Prices vary per platform

Bejeweled 2 is a puzzle-based game that is huge on the web, extremely addictive, and now available to download from the PS3 Network. The main basis of the game is swapping gems around on a predetermined board looking to chain three or more of the same gem together, horizontally and/or vertically. A move is only allowed if it will combine three or more gems of the same type, and must be adjacent to the currently selected gem. When a combination is created the combined gems disappear from the board and all the gems in that column shift down. The free space at the top is then filled with new, random gems.

The game consists of four different modes of play: classic, action, puzzle and endless, and there are unique versions of commons gems that are created when certain conditions are met. The control scheme is simple to master. However, it’s not as easy flowing and quick as the original PC version and though the sound effects are crisp the music feels a tad stale at times. If you’ve played before and fancy playing Bejeweled 2 on your big screen then this is a deserving download, but you might as well go online and check out the free version first.