Ghost Squad(Sega)

Hits the nail on the head.

Game Review by Craig Wilson | 06 Mar 2008
All you really need to know about Ghost Squad is that it is gaming's equivalent to the great Reagan Era Hollywood action blockbusters. There is little to no characterisation, mindless death hungry terrorists, moronic suicidal hostages and raw Y chromosome all encapsulated in a plot too thin to be seen through the hail of bullets it produces. Yet for that matter, in terms of simplicity, it's the greatest fun to be had from an on-the-rails shooter in recent times. Sure it takes about thirty minutes to blast through the game the first time, but the encyclopaedic number of guns and outfits to unlock, not to mention additional objectives, extends the game beyond its paltry three missions. It's never going to win any awards for originality or bettering the human kind in any way, but as a quick pick up and play de-stress, it hits the nail on the head and will guarantee you'll be spouting poor one liners in an abominable Austrian accent in no time. [Craig Wilson]
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