Youthmovies - The Naughtiest Girl Is A Monitor

As polished and predictable as any young indie-punks with prog pretensions could be

Single Review by Ally Brown | 06 Mar 2008
Single title: The Naughtiest Girl Is A Monitor
Artist: Youthmovies
Label: DiS
Foals offshoot Youthmovies have been attracting a similar level of hype to their Oxford buddies, but exactly why isn't evident from The Naughtiest Girl Is A Monitor. It's as polished and predictable as any young indie-punks with prog pretensions could be, in the sense that employing distinct sections with differing time-signatures doesn't add up to much when each part is clichéd in itself. In trying to cram seven Maxïmo Park songs into less than five minutes, Youthmovies seem to be more concerned with looking clever than they are with developing a cogent piece that makes sense on its own terms. [Ally Brown]
Youthmovies play King Tuts on 3 Mar, supporting Dead Meadow and QMU on 10 Mar, supporting Foals